20+ Top CSS Interview Questions & Answers You Should Know In 2021

20+ Top CSS Interview Questions & Answers You Should Know In 2021

Preparing for a CSS job interview? Don't look further; this article contains the 20 most frequently asked CSS interview questions with answers.

Want to prepare CSS questions for interview? We have selected the 20 most-asked questions asked in a CSS interview.

1) What is CSS?

CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) is a style sheet language that decides how the elements and contents in the page are looked at or displayed. It is used with HTML to design websites. In addition to HTML, other markup languages support CSS, including plain XML, SVG, and XUL.

2) What are the different variations of CSS?

Here are the different CSS variations:

  • CSS1

  • CSS2

  • CSS2.1

  • CSS3

  • CSS4

3) What are the advantages of CSS?

Here are the advantages of CSS:

  • Site-wide consistency

  • Page reformatting

  • Content separated from presentation.

  • Accessibility

  • Bandwidth

4) What are the limitations of CSS?

There are few limitations to CSS:

  • Rules, styles, targeting specific text not possible
  • No column declaration

  • Pseudo-class not controlled by dynamic behavior

  • Ascending by selectors is not possible.

  • Limitations of vertical control

  • No expressions

5) Why background and color are separate properties if they should always be set together?

There are two certain reasons behind this:

  • Color is an inherited property while the background is not. So this can make confusion further.

  • It enhances the legibility of style sheets. The background property is complex in CSS, and if it is combined with color, the complexity will increase further.

6) What are the CSS frameworks?

CSS frameworks are preplanned libraries that make web page styling easy and compliant with standards. The frequently used CSS frameworks are:

  • Bootstrap

  • Ulkit

  • Foundation

  • Semantic UI

  • Gumby

7) What is the Box model in CSS? What CSS properties are a part of it?

HTML elements are wrapped in rectangle boxes. The box model is used to determine the height and width of the rectangle box. The CSS box consists of width and height (or default values if neither are specified), padding, borders, and margin.

  • Content: Where the text or an image is placed in the box

  • Padding: It is a space surrounding the content.

  • Border: The area that surrounds the padding.

  • Margin: The area that surrounds the border.

8) How to include CSS in the webpage?

You can include CSS in a webpage in several ways:

  • External Style Sheet: The external style sheet can be linked to your HTML document using the link tag.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyles.css" />
  • Embed CSS using a Style tag: A set of CSS styles included within your HTML page.
<style type="text/css">

/*Add style rules here*/


You should add the CSS rules between the opening and closing style tags in the same way you would in separate stylesheet files.

  • Adding inline styles to HTML elements: HTML elements can be styled directly using the style tag.
<h2 style="color:red;background:black">Inline Style</h2>
  • Import a stylesheet file: One more way to add CSS to a webpage is by using the @ import rule. It will add a new CSS file to CSS itself.
@import "path/to/style.css";

9) Name the four types of @ media properties?

There are four types of @ media properties:

  • All → It's the default property. It is used for all media-type devices.

  • Screen → Used for computer 0and mobile screen.

  • Print → Used for printers.

  • Speech → Used for screen readers.

10) What are the advantages of Embedded Style Sheets?

Advantages of Embedded Style Sheets:

  • You can create classes for use on multiple tag types in the document.

  • You can use grouping methods and selectors to apply styles in complex situations.

  • Importing the information does not require an additional download.

11) What exactly is the difference between inline, inline-block, and block?

  • Inline Elements: Inline elements do not begin on a new line; they appear on the same line as the content and tags below. For example, a>, span>, sg>, and img> tags can be inline.

  • Inline Block Elements: A block element will always start on a new line, taking up an entire row or width. List of block elements are < div > and < p >.

12) Explain CSS position property?

  • Absolute: Placing an element exactly where you want it. Rather than being absolute, the absolute position is set relative to the element's parent. Otherwise, the element will default back up to its parent if no parent is available

  • Relative: It allows z-index on the element and limits the scope of absolutely positioned child elements. Any child element within the block will be positioned absolutely.

  • Fixed: The element is positioned relative to the browser window or viewport itself. Since the viewport does not change as you scroll, the fixed element will remain in the same position.

  • Static: All page elements are static by default. To forcefully remove any positioning from an element that has been applied outside of your control, you only need to set the element's position to static.

  • Sticky: In sticky positioning, relative positioning is used first; then fixed positioning is applied after crossing a specific threshold.

13) What is a CSS selector?

CSS selector is a string that identifies the elements to which a particular declaration applies. Additionally, it is also referred to as a link between the HTML document and the style sheet. It is the equivalent of HTML elements. A CSS selector can come in a variety of different forms: -

  • CSS Id Selector

  • CSS Universal Selector

  • CSS Element Selector

  • CSS Group Selector

14) What does the :root pseudo-class refer to in CSS?

The :root selector allows you to mark the highest-level "parent" element in the document tree or DOM. CSS Selectors Level 3 specifies it.

15) What is the difference between CSS Grid and Flexbox?

  • CSS Grid: CSS Grid Layout is a two-dimensional system, meaning it can handle both columns and rows. Using grid layout allows for a more complex design style that isn't linear.

  • CSS Flexbox: It is mainly a one-dimensional system (either in a column or row). Flexbox layout is most appropriate for components of an application.

16) List some CSS-style components.

Given are CSS-style components:

  • Value

  • Property

  • Selector

17) How do logical tags differ from physical tags?


  • Logical tags do not affect visual appearances, while physical tags do.

  • Logical tags do not affect visual appearances, while physical tags do.

18) How to restore the default property value with CSS?

Shortly put, there's no easy way to return the browser's default values. In this case, the closest option would be to use the initial property value that will return the CSS values to their defaults instead of the browser's default styles.

19) What is Tweening?

The process of producing intermediate frames between two images is called Tweening. Tweening gives the impression that the first image has seamlessly transitioned into the second image. The technique is widely used in all types of animation. In CSS3, you can use a transform module to achieve Tweening.

20) What is RWD?

RWD stands for Responsive Web Design. This technique perfectly displays the designed page on every screen size and device, such as mobile, tablet, desktop, and laptop. Moreover, a different page is not needed for each device.

If you have made it this far, then certainly you are willing to learn more. Here are some more topics related to interviewing questions that we think will be interesting for you.

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